# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### # Praat Script # gradually blend two sounds # # Matthew Winn # August 2014 ################################## ##################### ############# ######## ##### ### ## # # clearinfo numberOfSteps = 7 pause select two sounds to blend sound1$ = selected$("Sound",1) sound2$ = selected$("Sound",2) # call the blending function with the specified number of steps, # name the files using a combination of both sound names (the last argument) call gradualBlend2Sounds 'sound1$' 'sound2$' numberOfSteps 'sound1$'_'sound2$'_ procedure gradualBlend2Sounds .sound1$ .sound2$ .steps .namePrefix$ for .thisStep from 1 to .steps .sound2Multiplier = (.thisStep-1)/(.steps-1) .sound1Multiplier = 1-.sound2Multiplier print Step '.thisStep''tab$''.sound1Multiplier:3''tab$''.sound2Multiplier:3''newline$' select Sound '.sound1$' Copy... '.namePrefix$''.thisStep' Multiply... .sound1Multiplier Formula... self [col] + (.sound2Multiplier*Sound_'.sound2$' [col]) endfor