# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### # Create synthetic fricative continuum # by Matthew B. Winn # August 2014 # # this script filters white noise to create fricatives according to the dimensions that you specify # frequency interpolation can be linear, logarithmic, Bark scale, or Greenwood (cochlear spacing) ################################## ##################### ############# ######## ##### ### ## # # form Input Enter specifications for Fricative continuum settings comment Enter parameter levesl for continuum endpoints in the Left and Right columns natural number_of_steps 8 #comment PEAK FREQUENCIES real left_peak1 2500 real right_peak1End 2500 real left_peak2 5200 real right_peak2End 5200 real left_peak3 7000 real right_peak3End 7000 optionmenu interpolation: 4 option Linear interpolation option Logarithmic interpolation option Use Greenwood function option Use Bark scale comment Fricative peak slope (in dB / octave) comment (e.g. 20 is broad, 90 is sharp) real left_slope1 35 real right_slope1End 25 real left_slope2 45 real right_slope2End 55 real left_slope3 40 real right_slope3End 55 comment RELATIVE AMPLITUDES (relative to second peak) integer left_amp1 5 integer right_amp1End -25 integer left_amp3 -4 integer right_amp3End 20 #comment fricative duration, rise time and fall time real left_duration 200 real right_durationEnd 200 real left_risetime 150 real right_risetimeEnd 150 real left_falltime 40 real right_falltimeEnd 40 real left_intensity 70 real right_intensityEnd 70 #comment filename prefix for steps and full items w/vowels: sentence left_prefix Step_ sentence right_fullPrefix VowelName_ #comment append fricative to another soundfile in the list? optionmenu append_to_vowel: 1 option No - create isolated fricatives option Yes - fricative at the beginning option Yes - friative at the end boolean draw 1 endform # # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### ################################## # First, convert variables from form, # and establish some other variables; # scroll to the bottom of the script for details call convertVariables call makeContinuumValues # Make the continuum for thisStep from 1 to steps # first, lookup the relevant continuum values call assignVariableLevels # yields: peak1, peak2, peak3, slope1, slope2, slope3, # yields: amp1, amp2, amp3 # yields: duration, risetime, falltime, intensity # create broadband noise to filter Create Sound from formula... Noise 1 0 duration samplerate randomGauss(0,0.1) for thisPeak from 1 to numpeaks select Sound Noise temp_int = Get intensity (dB) # adjust the intensity for this peak new_int = temp_int + amp'thisPeak' Copy... Noise_temp Scale intensity... new_int # filter the sound around the center frequency call filterOctaveRolloff Noise_temp peak'thisPeak' slope'thisPeak' 'prefix$''thisStep'_peak'thisPeak' # cleanup temp select Sound Noise_temp Remove # create exponential curve for amplitude envelope # power by which cosine envelope is shaped is detemined # by which peak is being modulated; # higher peaks have slightly slower-onset envlopes power = 0.5+(thisPeak/2) call applyEnvelope "'prefix$''thisStep'_peak'thisPeak'" risetime falltime power endfor # put all the peaks together call blend3Peaks "'prefix$''thisStep'_peak1" "'prefix$''thisStep'_peak2" "'prefix$''thisStep'_peak3" 'prefix$''thisStep' # scale the final intensity of this continuum step # (intensity determined from assignVariableLevels procedure) call scaleIntensity "'prefix$''thisStep'" intensity # cleanup call removePeakFiles endfor # attach the vowel, if necessary call appendVowel # draw pretty pictures if draw = 1 call drawSpectra endif # disable saving for now # (You can alway manually save it with a separate script) #call saveInfoWindow "'outDirectory$'" Continuum_info ################################## ##################### ############# ######## ##### ### ## # # procedure filterOctaveRolloff .name$ .cf .rolloff.per.octave .newname$ select Sound '.name$' Filter (formula)... if x > 1 then self*10^(-(abs((log10(x/.cf)/log10(2)))*.rolloff.per.octave)/20) else self fi Rename... '.newname$' endproc procedure drawSpectra Erase all select Sound 'prefix$'1 for thisFricative from 2 to steps plus Sound 'prefix$''thisFricative' endfor numberOfSelectedSounds = numberOfSelected ("Sound") for thisSelectedSound to numberOfSelectedSounds sound'thisSelectedSound' = selected("Sound",thisSelectedSound) endfor for thisSound from 1 to numberOfSelectedSounds redgradient = ('thisSound'-1)/('numberOfSelectedSounds'-1) r = redgradient g = 0.0 b = 1-redgradient Colour... {'r','g','b'} select sound'thisSound' name$ = selected$("Sound") To Spectrum... yes Cepstral smoothing... 'smoothing' Rename... 'name$'_smooth select Spectrum 'name$' Remove select Spectrum 'name$'_smooth Draw... drawHzLow drawHzHigh drawDBLow drawDBHigh yes select Spectrum 'name$'_smooth Remove endfor # x-axis (frequency) labels Marks bottom every: 1, 1000, "yes", "yes", "no" endproc procedure saveInfoWindow outputDirectory$ outputFileName$ # first delete the file if it already exists filedelete 'outputDirectory$'/'outputFileName$'.txt # create the file fappendinfo 'outputDirectory$'/'outputFileName$'.txt endproc procedure getVowelInfo if append_to_vowel = 0 #take no action print 'newline$' numchannels = 1 else pause Select the soundfile to combine with the fricatives vowel$ = selected$("Sound") numchannels = Get number of channels samplerate = Get sampling frequency print 'vowel$' was used as the vowel'newline$' endif endproc procedure appendVowel call getVowelInfo if append_to_vowel = 0 #take no action print 'newline$' elsif append_to_vowel = 1 select Sound 'vowel$' Convert to mono Rename... vowel2 for thisFricative from 1 to steps select Sound 'prefix$''thisFricative' plus Sound vowel2 Concatenate # use this line for a simple filename # Rename... 'fullPrefix$''thisFricative' # use this line instead to maintain the original vowel filename in the ultimate name Rename... 'prefix$''thisFricative'_'vowel$' endfor select Sound vowel2 Remove elsif append_to_vowel = 2 for thisFricative from 1 to steps select Sound 'vowel$' Convert to mono Rename... vowel2 select Sound 'prefix$''thisFricative' Copy... Fricative2 select Sound vowel2 plus Sound Fricative2 Concatenate # use this line for a simple filename # Rename... 'fullPrefix$''thisFricative' # use this line instead to maintain the original vowel filename in the ultimate name Rename... 'prefix$''thisFricative'_'vowel$' select Sound Fricative2 plus Sound vowel2 Remove endfor endif endproc procedure removePeakFiles select Sound 'prefix$''thisStep'_peak1 plus Sound 'prefix$''thisStep'_peak2 plus Sound 'prefix$''thisStep'_peak3 plus Sound Noise Remove endproc procedure scaleIntensity .name$ .intensity select Sound '.name$' Scale intensity... '.intensity' endproc procedure applyEnvelope .name$ .risetime .falltime .power select Sound '.name$' .start = Get start time .end = Get end time Formula... if x<('.risetime') ...then self * ((cos((x-('.risetime' - '.start'))/'.risetime' * pi/2))^'.power') ...else self endif endif Formula... if x>('.end' - '.falltime') ...then self * cos((x-(.end - '.falltime'))/'.falltime' * pi/2) ...else self endif endif endproc procedure blend3Peaks .sound1$ .sound2$ .sound3$ .newname$ select Sound '.sound1$' Copy... '.newname$' Formula... self [col] + Sound_'.sound2$' [col] + Sound_'.sound3$' [col] endproc procedure assignVariableLevels for thisPeak from 1 to numpeaks peak'thisPeak' = peak'thisPeak'_'thisStep' slope'thisPeak' = slope'thisPeak'_'thisStep' amp'thisPeak' = amp'thisPeak'_'thisStep' endfor duration = duration'thisStep' risetime = risetime'thisStep' falltime = falltime'thisStep' intensity = intensity'thisStep' endproc procedure makeContinuumValues clearinfo if steps >1 for n from 1 to numpeaks # navigate among four different interpolation types if interpolation = 1; linear # create variable levels call makeContinuum0dec steps peak'n'Start peak'n'End "peak'n'_" yes elsif interpolation = 2; logarithmic peak'n'Start = log10(peak'n'Start) peak'n'End = log10(peak'n'End) # create variable levels using log values call makeContinuum3dec steps peak'n'Start peak'n'End "peak'n'_" no for .thisLogStep from 1 to steps # convert log values back to Hz values peak'n'_'.thisLogStep' = 10^(peak'n'_'.thisLogStep') tempvariable = peak'n'_'.thisLogStep' print peak'n'_'.thisLogStep''tab$''tempvariable:0''newline$' endfor print 'newline$' elsif interpolation = 3;Greenwood # cochlea parameters aA = 165.4 a = 2.1 length = 35 k = 0.88 apicalCochlearPositionPeak'n' = log10((peak'n'Start/'aA')+'k')*'length'/'a' basalCochlearPositionPeak'n' = log10((peak'n'End/'aA')+'k')*'length'/'a' call makeContinuum3dec steps apicalCochlearPositionPeak'n' basalCochlearPositionPeak'n' "cochlearPosition'n'_" no for .thisGreenwoodStep from 1 to steps peak'n'_'.thisGreenwoodStep' = 'aA'*((10^('a'*cochlearPosition'n'_'.thisGreenwoodStep'/'length'))-'k') tempvariable = peak'n'_'.thisGreenwoodStep' print peak'n'_'.thisGreenwoodStep''tab$''tempvariable:0''newline$' endfor print 'newline$' elsif interpolation = 4; Use Bark scale ## uses the Hz to Bark conversion from Traunmuller (1990); ## Hz to bark: 26.81/(1+(1960/f)) - 0.53 ## bark to Hz: f = 1960 / [26.81 / (z + 0.53) - 1] # H. Traunmüller (1990) "Analytical expressions for the tonotopic sensory scale" # J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88: 97-100. bark'n'Start = 26.81/(1+(1960/peak'n'Start)) - 0.53 bark'n'End = 26.81/(1+(1960/peak'n'End)) - 0.53 call makeContinuum3dec steps bark'n'Start bark'n'End "barkPeak'n'_" no for .thisBarkStep from 1 to steps peak'n'_'.thisBarkStep' = 1960 / (26.81 / (barkPeak'n'_'.thisBarkStep' + 0.53) - 1) tempvariable = peak'n'_'.thisBarkStep' print peak'n'_'.thisBarkStep''tab$''tempvariable:0''newline$' endfor print 'newline$' endif endfor for n from 1 to numpeaks call makeContinuum3dec steps slope'n'Start slope'n'End "slope'n'_" yes endfor for n from 1 to numpeaks call makeContinuum3dec steps amp'n'Start amp'n'End "amp'n'_" yes endfor endif # establish continuum values and print them to the info window call makeContinuum3dec steps durationStart durationEnd duration 1 call makeContinuum3dec steps risetimeStart risetimeEnd risetime 1 call makeContinuum3dec steps falltimeStart falltimeEnd falltime 1 call makeContinuum3dec steps intensityStart intensityEnd intensity 1 endproc procedure makeContinuum0dec .steps .low .high .prefix$ .printvalues for thisStep from 1 to .steps # calculate the value temp = (('thisStep'-1)*('.high'-'.low')/('.steps'-1))+'.low' # assign the value to a variable name specified by the procedure arguments '.prefix$''thisStep' = temp #.value = step_'.prefix$''thisStep' .value = '.prefix$''thisStep' if .printvalues = 1 print '.prefix$''thisStep''tab$''.value:0' 'newline$' endif endfor print 'newline$' endproc procedure makeContinuum3dec .steps .low .high .prefix$ .printvalues for thisStep from 1 to .steps temp = (('thisStep'-1)*('.high'-'.low')/('.steps'-1))+'.low' '.prefix$''thisStep' = temp .value = '.prefix$''thisStep' if .printvalues = 1 print '.prefix$''thisStep''tab$''.value:3' 'newline$' endif endfor print 'newline$' endproc procedure convertVariables yes = 1 no = 0 numpeaks = 3 steps = number_of_steps #----------------------- peak1Start = left_peak1 peak1End = right_peak1End peak2Start = left_peak2 peak2End = right_peak2End peak3Start = left_peak3 peak3End = right_peak3End #----------------------- slope1Start = left_slope1 slope1End = right_slope1End slope2Start = left_slope2 slope2End = right_slope2End slope3Start = left_slope3 slope3End = right_slope3End #----------------------- amp1Start = left_amp1 amp1End = right_amp1End amp3Start = left_amp3 amp3End = right_amp3End amp2Start = 0 amp2End = 0 temporaryintensity = 50 #----------------------- # convert ms to seconds durationStart = left_duration/1000 durationEnd = right_durationEnd/1000 #----------------------- # convert ms to seconds risetimeStart = left_risetime/1000 risetimeEnd = right_risetimeEnd/1000 falltimeStart = left_falltime/1000 falltimeEnd = right_falltimeEnd/1000 #----------------------- intensity = left_intensity intensityStart = left_intensity intensityEnd = right_intensityEnd #----------------------- prefix$ = "'left_prefix$'" fullPrefix$ = "'right_fullPrefix$'" #----------------------- # convert variable level from form append_to_vowel = append_to_vowel-1 ##### 0 means no vowel/word to append ##### 1 means fricative comes first ##### 2 means fricative comes second #----------------------- # options for drawing spectra smoothing = 300 drawHzLow = 0 drawHzHigh = 10000 drawDBLow = 5 drawDBHigh = 40 # this option will be overridden if you select a vowel to concatenate # (so that both the vowel and fricative have the same samplerate) # so... only change this if you are creating isolated fricatives. samplerate = 44100 endproc