# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ##################### # Praat Script # Calculate continuum steps - procedure # to drop into your script # # Matthew Winn # August 2014 ################################## ##################### ############# ######## ##### ### ## # # clearinfo # you can fill in your own information here # the 'prefix$' variable must begin with a lower-case character, # because it will be used to name a variable. steps = 8 low = 4 high = 64 prefix$ = "my_step_" call makeContinuum steps low high "'prefix$'" 1 # yields variables # my_step_1, my_step_2,... my_step_8 # the last argument: 1 or 0; either print continuum values or print nothing procedure makeContinuum .steps .low .high .prefix$ printvalues for .thisStep from 1 to .steps temp = (('.thisStep'-1)*('.high'-'.low')/('.steps'-1))+'.low' '.prefix$''.thisStep' = temp check = '.prefix$''.thisStep' if printvalues = 1 print '.prefix$''.thisStep''tab$''check:2' 'newline$' endif endfor endproc